helpful information from the carpet cleaning industry
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Articles, news, and helpful tips on how to make the most of the carpet, tile, and flooring in your home.
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PORTLAND, OR – Nothing feels quite like home like the feeling of sitting down at the end of a long day. Whether you have a sectional from Costco or an antique loveseat that you bought at an estate sale, your […]
PORTLAND, OR – Did you realize that professional upholstery cleaning in Portland is right around the corner? A+ Carpet Cleaning has been cleaning upholstery for over a decade. We know that you have a priority list to keep and steam […]
PORTLAND, OR – George Eliot famously said, “animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” While cat owners might disagree with that second part, the heart of the quote is true: we love our […]
PORTLAND, OR – Did you know that the concept of do-it-yourself can be traced back to the Arts and Crafts movement in the late 19th century? The actual term, do-it-yourself, became more popular in the post-World War II economy. You […]
PORTLAND, OR – You may not think you need a professional carpet cleaning service, but imagine this. It’s Thanksgiving weekend, the whole family is set to arrive any moment now. Your grandparents, siblings with their family, your in-laws and of […]
PORTLAND, OR – If you’re a pet owner, you know that having a furry friend in your home is one of life’s greatest joys. However, with pets come the challenges of maintaining a clean and odor-free living space. Pet hair, […]