PORTLAND, OR – The weather forecast for this week shows a lot of sunshine. It looks like our Portland summer is only a few weeks away, and while some of us enjoy the rainier, cooler seasons, there is an undeniable excitement about longer, brighter days.
Cue a perfect segue from weather into tile and grout cleaning.
One of the lesser-known services we offer is tile and grout cleaning! Carpet cleaning is obvious, as it’s in the name. Air duct and dryer vent cleaning is somewhat well known, as well as upholstery and area rug cleaning. Tile & grout cleaning, however, seems to surprise those who stumble upon it listed as a service on our website and our other online presences. Not only is it a lesser known service in general, but there seem to be a lot of misconceptions about how to care for and maintain your tile.
In the interest of our clients’ homes, we thought it would be good to list out some of these misunderstandings and counter them from our credible position as professional tile and grout cleaners. Being professionals, we have training, experience, and high-grade equipment and products that gives us the ability to know how tile and grout need to be treated.
FALSE: Bleach is always a safe and effective cleaner for all types of tile
Some of us grew up in the “bleach solves everything” home. While there are many things that bleach is helpful for (particularly when it comes to cleaning), a professional tile cleaner will warn you to stay far away from bleach when it comes to your tile and grout. Bleach is a harsh chemical, which is why it is such a great cleaning tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. Depending on the kind of tile you have, bleach could cause discoloration or damage, particularly if you have a natural stone. Make sure that you check the recommendations of the manufacturer, or use a small, inconspicuous area to spot test. We would go so far as to recommend you calling a professional tile cleaner or a tile producer to make sure the bleach won’t be detrimental.
FALSE: You can use the same methods to clean every type of tile
With truly professional and intentional cleaning, there is chemistry involved! Not only for the products being utilized, but the chemistry of the object of the cleaning must be taken into very careful consideration in order to eliminate the possibility of damage. With tile, there are many different kinds. Some are more manmade, but other types, like natural tiles, could need a specialized cleaner. When you call A+ Carpet Cleaning to schedule a tile cleaning, this is why we ask you what kind of tile you have. Each product and method that we used is intentionally chosen specifically for our client’s individual needs.
FALSE: Steel wool can help with tough stains
That’s the sound of your tile being scratched with steel wool. For softer tiles, like ceramic or porcelain, steel wool can cause immediate scratches on the surface. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: make sure to learn about how the manufacturer of your tile recommends you clean it. Steel wool is a great tool for heavy-duty cleaning, but only on specific surfaces. It might be best to avoid using it on your tile unless you know for sure that it’s safe. In that case, be sure to use a gentle touch, and then thoroughly rinse the area in order to remove any residual metal particles that could eventually rust over time.
FALSE: Tiles don’t need regular maintenance
A tile floor might have the appearance of cleanliness longer than your entry rug, but your tiled surfaces require cleaning just like the other trafficked area of your home. For tile, we recommend making sure that you are regularly sweeping (or vacuuming) in order to prevent dirt and other debris from settling into the grout lines. The better care you take of your tile, the longer it will last.
FALSE: Grout only needs to be sealed once
Actually, grout sealant does wear down over time, particularly when it comes to high traffic areas or moisture exposed spots (like showers, bathroom or kitchen countertops, etc.). Typically, it’s recommended that you have your grout re-sealed annually in order to maintain its protection and effectiveness. Resealing grout helps to reinforce its protective barrier, preventing stains and moisture penetration and prolonging the lifespan of the grout.
FALSE: DIY tile & grout cleaning gets the same results as professional tile and grout cleaning
While there are many wonderful ways that you can take care of and clean your tile on your own, a professional tile cleaner has the experience, products, and equipment that you don’t. At A+, we use steam cleaning in order to get the best results. We have commercial grade equipment and tried-and-true methods for our tile and grout to get the 5-star care it deserves. With years of cleaning tile under their belt, our technicians know the proper products and methods to use depending on your specific type of tile, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally using something that ends up being detrimental at the end of the day.
TRUE: A+ Carpet Cleaning is here for your tile & grout needs!
At A+ Carpet Cleaning, we offer tile and grout cleaning as one of our many services. We know that with home care, the more you can schedule at once, the better! It’s always more convenient to have a company come in and take care of multiple services needing done, rather than schedule 7 different companies to do 7 different services. With that in mind, at A+, we offer carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, area rug cleaning, air duct & dryer vent cleaning, carpet repair, carpet stretching, and, of course, tile & grout cleaning. We can also seal your grout for you, if you’d like!
If you’re ready to jump into the next step of maintaining your tile and grout, give us a call. We’re open from 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday, and as a local, family business, would love to get to know you and offer you any of our above listed services.
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